The light is necessary for the development of the plants. In fact it is necessary a sufficient contribution of light in order to favor the photosynthesis and the closing of the plants. The supplement of light by means of lamps electrical workers is the method simpler and economic in order to bring the necessary light to the plants. MW700 is a portable Lux meter designed to perform light measurements. It is supplied with a light sensor connected to the meter that measures from 0 to 50000 Lux. Average indoor lighting ranges from 100 to 1000 Lux and average outdoor sun lights about 50000 Lux. Lux is a unit that indicates the density of light that falls on a surface. The MW700-WP is a portable Lux meter designed to perform light measurements. The instrument is supplied in a hard carrying case complete with a light sensor connected to the meter that measures from 0 to 50000 Lux. The light sensor is waterproof suitable to verify the light intensity also at the bottom of your aquarium. The accuracy is ±6% of reading (full scale). The MW700-WP works with a 9V alkaline battery. Automatic shut-off after 10 minutes saves battery and extends Lux meter life.
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